Provides Tactile and Proprioceptive input for Sensory Integration and Self Expression for Children and Adults.
You have come to the right place! We are the original creators and manufacturers of BodySox. We use only the best materials and construction so your BodySox will last for days of fun. You may pay a little more but as the old saying goes, "You get what you pay for". Yes there are copycats and in a way that is a good thing. We are honored that it is desirable. But we want our customers to know that if it doesn't have that little circle with the R inside of it you may want to reconsider.
Full Year Limited Warranty All Dye-namic Movement Products are guaranteed against defects in materials and workmanship for one full year from date of shipment. All equipment will wear with use and no guarantee is made against normal deterioration. We recommend you establish a regular inspection program of all equipment, fittings and support systems to guard against injury. Any alteration of equipment or use of equipment in a non-recommended fashion voids all warranties.
Limitation of Liability Our products are intended for use with adult supervision. Though we use the finest materials available, we cannot guarantee freedom from injury. The user assumes all risk of injury.